Pucci Carpet One Floor & Home Team

Pucci Carpet One Floor & Home Team

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome from Mike

Welcome to the fans of Pucci's Carpet One Floor & Home, your leader in flooring, furniture and bedding.

First I would like to say, I am glad you decided to join us in this Facebook odyssey. Pucci's is pioneering in HOME online commerce and we want you, our "fans" and friends to take advantage of it. Our goal is to start a community where we can service any of your home furnishing needs at highly discounted prices and have a little fun at the same time. We will be adding online commerce to our website soon but in the meantime, I will be offering specials to you our Facebook fans on occasion. You can take a look at our current website at www.gotopuccis.com for our current product information which is admittedly a work in progress.

Some of you might be saying, "That’s really great Mike but I live in Washington D.C. or Orlando Fl, far away from the thriving metropolis of Fredonia N.Y. How could you……… possibly help me…….. from so far away? “

I would in return then say “You, silly, silly, facebook person……….In this age of online technology and the world wide web, anything is possible.” Even if you do not live in the Chautauqua County area, we can service you with a lot of what we do.

Some things are a little easier than others but give us a call, you might be surprised by our answer. If you ever have a question about flooring, furniture and bedding please let me know. Even if it turns out we can’t service you, we could put you in the right direction for value.

Remember here at Pucci’s our motto is……We’ll take your money and run…………no no no –just kidding that would be silly…….besides, where would we run to. In all honesty, I mean, Puccis will hook you up and get you the best deal we can. For our friends and fans, 99% of the time that will be the best deal out there. Feel free to stop in the store, e-mail me or give me a call at 716-672-5171. I look forward to hearing from friends- new and old, having fun, and saving you money.

Michael Pucci

Thursday, January 22, 2009

World as a stage.

Hello all! Well, Pucci Carpet One Floor & Home has taken another step into the Web 2.0 world. In a never ending process of trying to create and improve an amazing customer experience with Pucci Carpet One Floor & Home, we have established this blog. We hope that you share in our discussions about home furnishings, sleeping, green flooring, etc. If there is anything that you need information on or would like help with please feel free to mention it. We at Pucci Carpet One Floor & Home look forward to working with you in the near future.

Have a great day!
Todd Schaefer